Krill Oil and its Fat-soluble Vitamin D

Vitamin D is any group of vitamins found in liver and fish oils. Vitamin D is essential for the growth and maintenance of healthy bones. You can get this essential vitamin from the following limited food sources:

  • Cod liver oil
  • Herring
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Eggs
  • Fortified cereals
  • Milk

Because it's quite limited in foods, the best way to get vitamin D is from direct exposure to sunlight. However, now that they fortify foods with this essential vitamin, exposure to the sun isn't quite as important as it once was. That's providing you consume those fortified foods of course.  Alas, no thanks to poor diet and less outdoor activity, many of us still don't get enough vitamin D. But we do need it if our bodies are to function at their best.

So what's this all got to do with krill oil? Well, krill oil, like fish oil, is not only a great source of essential fatty acids. It's also rich in the fat-soluble vitamins too, those being vitamin D, A and vitamin E. In supplement form, krill oil is a reliable supply of vitamin D.

Daily recommended Doses

The recommended amounts of vitamin D are as follows:

  • Infants 0 to 12 months: 400 International units (IU) per day
  • Age 1-70, 600 IU per day
  • Age 71 and older 800 IU per day

Children who are deficient in this essential vitamin can suffer with rickets. This is a condition that affects the natural growth of bones in youngsters.  The most vulnerable groups include darker-skinned children. The reason is because they need more sunlight than those with fairer skin. Children born prematurely are also at risk, as are those who take medications that may interfere with vitamin D.

Krill to the Rescue

Anyone who thinks they might be deficient in vitamin D may want to look at krill oil supplements. A quality brand should provide you with the optimal dose needed for each day. Studies suggest that vitamin D may also help to prevent various cancers. It also supports the cells of your intestines, stomach, prostate, kidneys and brain. More generally, this essential vitamin helps your immune system, muscles, and various nervous system functions.

You gain a whole plethora of health benefits by taking krill oil supplements, and vitamin D is just one of many. If you think you are lacking in this vitamin, it's a good idea to get a simple blood test so that you know your vitamin D serum level.

Why Not Fish Over Supplements?

If you like oily fish, then two fish meals per week should provide you with the same or similar health benefits of krill or fish oil supplements. However, there is a potential problem. A lot of fish today has become a polluted food source.  In fact, some species found in supermarkets may even contain high levels of mercury. You have to be careful and know your fish and its source if you're going to put it on the menu.

You don't have to worry about contaminants with quality Krill oil supplements.

Reading of Interest

You can learn more about Vitamin D, the fat-soluble nutrient here.

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